Disney Pixar Incredibles 2 R C Incredibile

Spoilers for Incredibles 2 will be tagged as usual. However, due to its nature as a sequel, this page contains unmarked spoilers for The Incredibles. You Have Been Warned!


The incredible adventure continues!

"Done properly, parenting is a heroic act. Done properly."

Edna Mode

Incredibles 2 is Pixar's twentieth animated film, released on June 15, 2018 and the sequel to the 2004 film The Incredibles. Brad Bird returns as writer and director, as does most of the original voice acting cast.

Everyone's favorite family of superheroes is back — but this time Helen (Holly Hunter) is in the spotlight, leaving Bob (Craig T. Nelson) at home with Violet (Sarah Vowell), Dash (Huck Milner), and Jack-Jack to navigate the day-to-day heroics of "normal" life.

It's a tough transition for everyone, made tougher by the fact that the Super Relocation Act is still in force. However, an eccentric billionaire has a plan to turn public opinion to favor the supers, and the family grows aware of baby Jack-Jack's emerging superpowers.

When a new villain by the name of Screenslaver hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the family and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) must find a way to work together again — which is easier said than done, even when they're all Incredible.

Previews: Teaser, Trailer, Second Trailer.

Incredibles 2 played in theaters along with the Pixar short Bao.

Screenslaver's hypnotic screens make use of patterned strobe effects that could trigger seizures in epileptic viewers, leading Disney to issue a warning at the start of the movie and sending disclaimer posters to theaters to display at their box offices. The strobe effect on the screens was removed entirely for every instance of the movie after its theatrical run, including home video, streaming, and TV airings, though the effect can be slightly and briefly seen off characters' faces when the source is off screen.

Incredibles 2 provides examples of:

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    Tropes # to D

  • 10-Minute Retirement: After learning that Dicker erased all of Tony's memories of her, Violet renounces superheroism and unsuccessfully attempts to destroy her super suit. However, when her mother is in trouble and her dad leaves to rescue her, she gets out her, Dash's, and Helen's super suits, and renounces her renunciation.
  • Actionized Sequel: The Incredibles had plenty of action sequences, but Incredibles 2 kicks them up a notch, due at least in part to the better CGI technology available after 14 years.
  • Actually a Doombot: Helen thought she defeated the Screenslaver after tracking "his" signal, but it turns out to be a decoy that the real Screenslaver had hypnotized to play the role.
  • Adult Fear:
    • Bob and Helen mull over what to do about their family's impending homelessness once the hotel stay runs out.
    • While the fight is largely played for laughs, watching a baby fight a wild and very obviously aggressive raccoon can be deeply unsettling.
    • Dash opening the door to find Screenslaver's Mooks claiming to be there to "look after them" when their actual intention is to kidnap Dash and Violet sends Stranger Danger fears that Frozone immediately picks up on, spurring him to step up to protect his godchildren.
  • Adults Are Useless: Played with. The adult supers (including Bob, Helen and Lucius) are actually quite competent, but when they are incapacitated, it comes down to the kids (Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack) to try and save the day. It comes down to Jack-Jack nudging Helen's goggles enough to free her which turns the tide of the final battle.
  • Advertised Extra: Although that raccoon appeared on posters and toys, in the film, he only appears in the scene where Jack-Jack fights him and Bob sees his powers.
  • Alone with the Psycho: When Helen is alone with Evelyn Deavor and gets her "Eureka!" Moment which prompts Evelyn to intervene and reveal herself to the audience as the Screenslaver.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: When Bob tries getting Violet and Tony back together without Violet being in on the plan, Violet's surprise makes tap water shoot out of her nose while Bob unknowingly hams it up to try and charm him, including complimenting the water even after learning it's tap. Later, the whole family drives the two of them to the movie, all the while admitting that they were planning on being in the theater, but in a different row. While Bob and Helen claim that they just wanted to watch a movie, Violet does not buy it.
  • Ambiguous Time Period: Like with the first film, the film blurs the line between a culture with 1960's sensibilities with that of modern, contemporary technology. Brad Bird has also stated that both films are not meant to be set in any specific period of time.
  • Amphibious Automobile: The Incredibile is already an extremely Cool Car...and then it turns into a boat.
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Downplayed, but the raccoon Jack-Jack fights with is smart enough to counter Jack-Jack's Wreathed in Flames power with ash from a nearby barbecue.
  • And the Adventure Continues: The movie ends with the Parrs suiting up to go after a pair of robbers.
  • Animal Nemesis: Played for laughs with Jack-Jack, who strikes up an enmity with a raccoon scavenging in the Parrs' garbage can.
  • Answer Cut:
    • In the Incredibile, when Dash wonders what he and Violet have to offer to oppose the villain, Jack-Jack in the backseat makes himself known by showcasing his Reality Warper powers.
    • Mr. Incredible who just broke free from the hypnosis wonders why the others talk about escape. His question of who they're escaping from is answered when the other mind-controlled supers break into the room.
  • Art Evolution: Expected from a CGI movie sequel released 14 years after the original. It's clear to see that the character models have been massively refurbished yielding more detail in facial expressions, clothing texture, and hair. In short, everything looks better. Compare the overlapping ending and opening of the two films here.
  • Ascended Extra:
    • Jack-Jack, who essentially only appeared in the domestic scenes as the baby in the first movie, is now much more prominent and integral to the plot. While he's still a secondary character by virtue of being a baby, one of the plot threads of the movie is about his family dealing with his Combo Platter Powers.
    • Tony Rydinger is now a prominent character in Violet's story arc. In the first film, he had only two scenes.
    • The Underminer gets his chance to shine after a brief, last-minute introduction at the end of the first film. He's still only an introductory villain, but when we get to see him in action he manages to successfully rob the bank and make a clean escape.
  • Ascended Fanboy: The new superheroes who emerge as a result of Elastigirl's growing popularity. Voyd is especially this, genuinely idolizing Elastigirl and eventually getting a chance to directly help her against Screenslaver.
  • Avoid the Dreaded G Rating: Like its predecessor, this film earns its PG rating by portraying more mature content including the drinking of alcohol by primary characters, considerable action-related violence, and dialogue. Evelyn Deavor, gives us not only a "hell" and a "crap" but an "I'll be damned". Violet says "Boys are jerks and superheroes suck." There are also at least three utterances of "Oh my God!" A Curse Cut Short with Frozone's "What the f-!" and Bob himself gives us "I eat thunder and crap lightning!".
  • Badass Boast: Screenslaver announces, "Supers are no longer in control. I am."
  • Badass Bystander: Winston refuses to let his sister murder all the supers and ambassadors left behind on the Everjust. He jumps off the escape plane, frees the supers and ambassadors, and orders them to the back of the ship to be as far from the impact zone as possible.
  • Badass Normal:
    • The raccoon, of all things, earns this title during his fight with Jack-Jack. The raccoon is just a normal woodland animal, while Jack-Jack won the Superpower Lottery. By all rights, their tussle shouldn't have been as even as it was.
    • Screenslaver holds their own very well in their fight against Elastigirl even without any powers besides are the various hypnotic gadgets. Since the decoy Screenslaver is just a hypnotized pizza delivery guy, even Evelyn admits she was surprised at how well he fought back.
  • Badly Battered Babysitter:
    • Downplayed. Bob had just started to get a handle on running the household when he learns of Jack-Jack's Combo Platter Powers. The sheer variety of these abilities quickly outstrips Bob's capacity to cope; while he isn't injured by anything Jack-Jack can dish out, it does run Bob to exhaustion from keeping up with the baby.
    • Inverted. Edna has no problem with Jack-Jack and designs him a new super-suit with countermeasures for some of his most common transformations. The baby is calm and mostly well-behaved around her.
  • Bad Mood as an Excuse: Played with. Given the justified emotional upheaval that Violet is dealing with regarding her failed date with Tony, she becomes understandably livid when she learns it was caused by Agent Dicker's memory wipe made at Bob's request. Dash watches her ensuing tantrum and, befitting the naiveté of a 10-year-old boy, wonders aloud if her behavior is somehow linked to her "having adolescence".
  • Bait-and-Switch: Talking to Bob, Helen and Lucius about putting heroes back into the spotlight, Winston Deavor appears at first to be building up to having Bob as their public figure... only to choose Helen as their best option.
  • Bait-and-Switch Comment: Violet when consoling her dad.

    Violet: You're not good. [Beat] You are super.

  • Beam-O-War: During the battle on the Everjust, there is a quick tug of war between Reflux spitting out lava versus Frozone shooting an ice stream. Frozone wins out and frees Reflux from the hypno goggles.
  • Beeping Computers: At the end of the Runaway Train action sequence, the brainwashed train conductor's monitor makes beeping sounds as the Screenslaver's message for Elastigirl appears.
  • Beware the Superman: One part of Screenslaver's plan is to have the supers appear to be bitter at the Super Relocation Act and deliver a chilling New Era Speech on how they are not going to tolerate it anymore.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Frozone arrives in the nick of time to prevent the monorail from crashing while Mr. Incredible and Elasti-Girl are busy with the Drill Tank.
    • The Parr children sneak on board the Everjust to save their parents. Jack-Jack uses his telekinesis powers to remove the mind control goggles from his mother, freeing her from the Screenslaver's control and ultimately derailing their plan entirely. Violet and Dash come up with the plan to turn the boat from the outside, which ends up stopping the boat in time to save everyone.
  • Big Fancy House: The spare house Winston Deavor puts the Parrs in while Helen is working with him is gorgeous. It's spacious and tastefully furnished, with a customizable remote-controlled living room with fancy waterworks, a big yard, and a pool.
  • Big "NO!":
    • Dash when Jack-Jack becomes a giant version of himself and breaks his tracker.
    • The Big Bad, Screenslaver, when Elastigirl smashes the hypno-goggles on Frozone and Mr. Incredible.
  • Big "YES!": Edna, upon witnessing Jack-Jack's vast array of superpowers. You can practically read "INSPIRATION!" written across her face.
  • Black Comedy: Elastigirl suffering hypoxia while fighting the Screenslaver on the plane. She sounds drunk and loopy, but her dialogue conveys a primal fear - "I don't wanna die."
  • Black Comedy Animal Cruelty: Jack-Jack's fight with the wild raccoon is 100% Played for Laughs. However, this is a Downplayed example because for the early part of their fight, the raccoon actually holds its own. It's only after Jack-Jack begins unleashing a wide variety of his superpowers, that the raccoon realizes it's hopelessly out-classed and focuses on trying to get away.
  • Blatant Lies:
    • Violet comes up with a clearly unbelievable story for Tony to explain why she was wearing a superhero costume. However, the lie turns out to be unnecessary, because Agent Dicker had already removed Tony's memories about the incident.
    • Bob tells Helen that he and the kids are fine on her first day away, when they're anything but.
  • Bookends: Played with. The first movie has Bob "masking up" at the beginning in the Incredibile to become Mr. Incredible and it ends with the entire family "masking up" to take on the Underminer. The sequel shifts right into that battle. And it ends with the entire family again "masking up" in their new family-style Incredibile ready to fight crime. For bonus points, the first movie opens with Bob pursuing robbers who are being chased by police in his Incredibile. The sequel ends the same way, only this time the whole family comes along for the ride.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: Bob and Helen's conflict in the beginning. Helen wants the kids to be safe and not have to risk going to jail for using their powers, which is against the law. Bob points out that the kids don't have to become superheroes, but he wants them to be able to have that choice, and questions why you should respect a law if said law is disrespectful.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy:
    • All of the supers except Dash, Violet and Jack-Jack become this under hypnosis, as this is how the Screenslaver operates.
    • The decoy Screenslaver is just some pizza delivery man that Evelyn Deavor hypnotized to be her fall guy because he was "surly".
  • Brick Joke: After the end titles roll, the Underminer's tunnel machine pops up and drives away.
  • Broken Lever of Doom: When Mr. Incredible fights with the Underminer inside his tunneler vehicle, he is thrown onto a control panel, severely bending a lever in the process. Later when Mr. Incredible tries to stop the vehicle, the lever snaps off and he watches helplessly as the machine digs its way to the surface causing extensive collateral damage to the city before it is stopped.
  • Building Swing: Elastigirl uses her elongated arms to swing from building to building, Spider-Man-style. Or to grab a helicopter in flight.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Violet reads her dad the riot act when she finds out that he asked Mr. Dicker to wipe Tony's memory, including of their date. She says she hates supers, renounces hero work, tries to destroy her suit, and marches off in a rage. Bob tries to make things right by staging an interaction between Violet and Tony at his part-time job but only makes Violet feel worse. The two finally reconcile when Bob, although exhausted from dealing with Jack-Jack, takes the time to apologize to Violet for all that he put her through.
  • The Cameo:
    • Dash, at one point, is watching the classic Jonny Quest cartoon. The Quest Labs building is also seen, implying that that show is based on actual events, akin to the Mr. Incredible cartoon.
    • Usher, a self-proclaimed Frozone fan, plays the chauffeur who gushes over him.
  • Canon Marches On: Given that the film leads off with fighting and defeating the Underminer and then goes into Helen becoming family breadwinner and Bob adapting to being a House Husband, I2 ignores the comic adaptation and the Rise of the Underminer game in favor of only needing the audience to be familiar with the previous film (and, optionally, its spin-off, Jack-Jack Attack).
  • Cardboard Box of Unemployment: Downplayed. During a phone call between Bob and Rick Dicker, we see the latter packing up things at his desk into a cardboard box.
  • Carload of Cool Kids: The first time Elastigirl takes the new Elasticycle out, one of these drives up beside her to cheer her on and offer encouragement.
  • Cartesian Karma: When Helen takes down the Screenslaver, he is arrested and sent to jail. He turns out to be a decoy Screenslaver who was an Unwitting Pawn that Evelyn used, and is actually an innocent pizza delivery guy.
  • Casting Gag: The mayor of New Urbem is voiced by Barry Bostwick, who also played the bumbling mayor of New York City in Spin City.
  • Catch a Falling Star:
    • Bob and Edna dive to catch Jack-Jack at different points but when Edna attempts to catch him, he uses his power to elevate and stop his fall right before hitting the ground.
    • Helen does this to the Screenslaver. Twice.
  • Chekhov's Gag: When the Parrs first arrive at Winston's "spare" house, Bob is initially very impressed with the "water feature" when Dash plays around with the house's decorative indoor ponds. A few days later, when Bob is rushing to search through his old belongings he falls into one of the decorative indoor ponds. After getting out, he mumbles "Stupid water feature!"
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • The Incredibile from Bob's Glory Days is revealed to be intact and functional early in the movie. Later, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack use it to escape from the hypnotized supers that have come to kidnap them.
    • The flare gun Elastigirl uses against Evelyn can be seen briefly moments before when it pops out of the emergency kit.
  • Chekhov's Skill:
    • Jack-Jack's ability to fire Eye Beams in pulses when held. Violet uses him as an Equippable Ally to fire at a hypnotized Screech who had abducted Dash.
    • Jack-Jack quietly displays the power of telekinesis when he lifts and replaces the lid on the trashcan that triggers his fight with the raccoon. This becomes important later when he uses this ability to dislodge the hypno-goggles from Elastigirl's eyes, freeing her from Evelyn's control.
  • Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs: At breakfast, Bob pulls away Dash's sugar-coated cereal and gives him Fiber-O's to eat instead.
  • Clothing Damage: The shoulder of Elastigirl's outfit gets ripped during the endgame battle. Fortunately her red Incredibles costume is immediately made available.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Evelyn gains a significant advantage over Elastigirl by bouncing her around the airplane cabin with erratic piloting. She also reduces the oxygen throughout the plane, causing Elastigirl to suffer from hypoxia, making it hard for her to fight back.
  • Conspicuous Trenchcoat: Bob and Helen wear trench coats over their costumes to go to their nighttime meeting with Winston. Violet is very suspicious.
  • Continuity Nod: Incredible amounts!
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: In the first film, Syndrome was bombastic, desperate to be the center of attention, and had a borderline Bond-villain-like organization. Screenslaver, the antagonist of this film, is quieter and has a lower profile than Syndrome. Their motivations contrast significantly as well; Syndrome wishes to make everyone super so actual supers are no longer exceptional, while Evelyn wants supers to go back into hiding so that mankind will stop relying on them.
  • Cool Bike: The Elasticycle, which is capable of splitting in half, making it ideally suited for Helen's stretching ability. It's also powered by electric motors, so it accelerates even faster than a typical combustion-powered motorcycle.
  • Cool Boat: The Everjust, the world's largest hydrofoil. It even has a private jet on it.
  • Cool Car:
    • The Incredibile, which initially only appeared in the prelude of the first movie note and a mention in the "NSA files" The Incredibles DVD bonus content of how much Mr. Incredible had loved that car, comes back with a vengeance halfway through this movie.
    • In the last scene of the movie, the family wagon turns into a new-and-improved family-sized Incredibile.
  • Costume Evolution: An interesting inversion. Helen's costume while participating in Winston's superhero PR plan is a less colorful and darker version of the bright, colorful costume she wore during the Glory Days segment of the first film. After she gets freed from the Screenslaver's mind control, she returns to her Edna-designed Incredibles costume.
  • The Cracker: The Screenslaver has all of the makings of an onscreen, fully-masked cracker super-villain V for Vendetta-style.
  • Creative Closing Credits: Same as the previous film, the closing credits are a very stylistic montage of key scenes from the movie.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Krushauer is established to have the power to crush anything using his telekinesis. Mr. Incredible asks Krushauer to un-crush the hallway he blocked off before, which perplexes the hero, who says asking him to un-crush something is like him asking Mr. Incredible to "un-punch" something.
  • Curse Cut Short: When Frozone sees Jack-Jack turn into a demon, he yells "What the...!" as the scene changes.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Invoked and discussed by Helen. Part of her suspicion that there's more going on with Screenslaver is that he's just a pizza delivery boy, when anybody with this level of skill and tech shouldn't need to keep such a low wage job.
  • A Day in Her Apron: Bob agrees to take care of the household in order to allow Helen to work with the Deavors to try and restore Superhero rights. At first, he has some rocky moments attending to everything but appears to be getting things under control. Then Jack-Jack demonstrates he has powers causing Bob to be completely overwhelmed and leading to a downward spiral of not getting enough sleep and making poor decisions to try and help Violet's dating problem. All while refusing to call Helen for help.
  • Darkest Hour: Played with. After their narrow escape, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack stop to take stock of their situation. The kids feel hope fading as they realize bad guys are after them and the DEVTECH Supers and Frozone are clearly under someone else's control and have to assume that their parents share that fate. Dash half-heartedly lists their assets consisting of their powers, the Incredibile and then Jack-Jack does a reality warp in the backseat. Realizing they have more leverage than originally thought, they smile, put on their masks and head off to DEVTECH effectively turning the darkest hour into more of a darkest minute.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    • Rick Dicker gets in a couple of good sarcasms.
    • Violet makes sarcastic remarks more often than in the first film since she is less shy.
  • Death by Despair: Evelyn and Winston's mother died a few months after her husband from heartbreak.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: For the most part the film's attitudes are completely modern, with the aesthetics of The '60s. However if you're looking for them...
    • When Jack-Jack is in his car seat, he's always facing forward, a no-no by modern safety standards.
    • When Violet and Dash are in the Incredibile, you can see that the super-powered sports car has no seat belts. Justified, since its intended driver was Nigh-Invulnerable and ease of exit or entry would be more vital than personal safety.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: The Unreadably Fast Text of the International Superhero Accord being signed on the Everjust concludes with "...the United League of Nations does hereby proclaim Supers legal henceforth unto eternity and for all time, forever."
  • Designated Girl Fight:
    • During the skirmishes that take place aboard the Everjust, events align for Violet to have the definitive one-on-one fight with a hypnotized Voyd who loses and is knocked out.
    • The Final Battle between Elastigirl and Evelyn Deavor.
  • Destructive Savior: Due to the nature of their powers, Mr. Incredible and Frozone's heroics are noted as causing much more collateral damage than Elastigirl's; that's the reason why she's chosen as the Supers' representative.
  • Didn't See That Coming:
    • Although Evelyn was aware that the Parr children had evaded their Mooks, they're caught off-guard when the kids show up on the Everjust and is particularly thrown off by the existence of a super-powered baby.
    • Evelyn also didn't anticipate that the Flare Gun from the jet's emergency kit could be used as a weapon.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Regarding having Tony mind-wiped, Bob only thought of the situation in superhero terms of preserving Violet's identity. He didn't stop to consider how the mind-wipe could affect Tony's budding relationship with Violet so he didn't inform Agent Dicker that Tony was anyone important to Violet.
  • Dirty Coward: The rich guy who bought the Incredibile is entertaining a date with the car shown in the background. When it blows a hole in the wall with its missile launchers and drives away he is shown trying to hide behind his date, who is less than pleased.
  • Disastrous Demonstration: The hovertrain's maiden voyage gets torpedoed by the Screenslaver who turns it into a Runaway Train.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: The movie leads you into thinking that the masked Screenslaver is the main villain. But, Helen captures that version of Screenslaver two-thirds into the movie. The real villain reveals herself to be Evelyn Deavor, who created the decoy Screenslaver, then hypnotizes the DevTech Supers as well as Elastigirl, Frozone, and Mr. Incredible in a plot to permanently ruin their efforts to regain public trust.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Evelyn orchestrates the events that send a pizza guy to prison because "he was surly and the pizza was cold".
  • Do Not Adjust Your Set: Screenslaver hijacks the television waves to make "an important announcement". Earlier, the opening titles from The Outer Limits (1963) are seen on the Parr family TV set, in a clever bit of foreshadowing.
  • Do Not Do This Cool Thing: Invoked in-universe. When Bob tells Dash that it's dangerous to play around with the Incredibile's remote control, since it has a rocket launcher, Dash enthusiastically tries to launch the rockets.
  • Drill Tank: The Underminer not only has his main enormous tank, but also a secondary smaller tank inside that one for use as an Escape Pod.
  • Dull Surprise: As a plot point. Hypnotized people repeating the Screenslaver's words speak without any expression and with minimal emoting in their voice.

    Tropes E to H

  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After spending over a decade forced into hiding and everything they've been put through in both films, being a superhero is finally made legal again and the Parrs can finally be public heroes.
  • Ejection Seat: The Incredibile has these, which allows the kids to get on the Everjust.
  • Elephant in the Living Room: Quoted by Violet when she asks her parents if they plan to discuss the day's events.
  • The Elevator from Ipanema: Typical elevator music plays when Violet and Dash take the ship's elevator to look for Jack-Jack.
  • Epileptic Flashing Lights: Social media health watchdogs expressed concerns, and Disney subsequently issued warnings, that Screenslaver's mind-control hypnosis makes use of patterned strobe effects that could trigger seizures in epileptic viewers.
  • Equippable Ally: Violet shoots down Screech after he abducted Dash, by holding Jack-Jack and telling him to shoot his newly-discovered eye-beams.
  • Escape Pod:
    • The Underminer has a second, smaller Drill Tank inside his main tank which he uses to escape Bob.
    • Evelyn uses a jet built into the top of the Everjust to escape once the plan is in motion.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Played with. Helen is shocked and betrayed that Evelyn is the Screenslaver and that her plan is to smear the image of Supers in the eyes of the public permanently. Evelyn quickly retorts that they barely knew each other, they were hardly best friends or anything.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite Evelyn's hatred of her brother's love for superheroes, she returns to save him before their yacht crashes into the city. After learning her plan, however, Winston isn't having it and jumps off her escape jet to save everyone on the yacht.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: The Elasticycle explodes rather dramatically when it crashes into a mountainside. While electric batteries are combustible under the right circumstances, it is a surprisingly large explosion for such a thin and lean motorcycle.
  • Evidence Dungeon: Elastigirl finds Screenslaver's decoy in their lair, but it blows up with all the evidence inside.
  • Evil All Along: Elastigirl learns that the Screenslaver she caught was just a decoy setup by the real Screenslaver, Evelyn Deavor. It's revealed that she manipulated the events of the film as an elaborate revenge plot on supers because she blames a reliance on them for the death of her father.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good:
    • Or government in this case. Winston notes that politicians have difficulty believing that somebody would do good solely for the sake of doing good.
    • Evelyn believed her brother would fall in line with her plan once she tried to save them from the yacht. Instead he jumps off the escape jet and actively heads to foil her plan as best he can.
  • Evil Gloating: Where the last movie discussed the inherent silliness of the trope, this movie plays it incredibly straight. After Evelyn has already successfully gotten Elastigirl under her hypnosis, she restrains Elastigirl long enough to shut off her hypno-goggles just so she can explain her Evil Plan and Freudian Excuse to Helen, and then turn the goggles back on and continue with her plan. To Evelyn's credit she does restrain Helen well enough that Helen cannot escape while she monologues.
  • Evil Overlooker: In this poster , Screenslaver can be seen looming over the "I" above the family.
  • Exact Words: Helen asks Bob how Jack-Jack is doing. Bob replies that Jack-Jack is in excellent health. He's not exactly wrong or lying.
  • Exhausted Eye Bags:
    • Bob develops these as taking care of the kids wears down his patience and sanity.
    • Evelyn is shown with these from her first appearance in the film. Unknown if it's a result of her constant drinking or from all the work she's doing developing tech for Elastigirl or a combination of the two.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: After seeing Jack-Jack fight the raccoon, Bob is initially elated to learn that his son has powers. However, as he talks it through, he suddenly realizes the problems of having a toddler with the powers he just witnessed.

    Bob: Did you go through the locked door? Are those your powers? You can multiply like rabbits and go right through any solid... Oh my God!

  • Failed Attempt at Drama: After learning that Tony's memories were wiped, Violet throws her supersuit into the garbage disposal while declaring she renounces heroism. As the supersuit is nigh indestructible, it just flails about comically. She pulls it out and reiterates her renouncement while biting the suit before finally throwing it against the wall and storming off in a huff.
  • Fanservice Pack: Elastigirl was redesigned to be more buxom and toned, and Violet has slightly wider hips than in the first movie.
  • Feedback Rule: There is a slight microphone feedback when Winston welcomes the guests on the Everjust.
  • Feet-First Introduction: Besides Violet, Tony's first glimpse of the rest of the Parr family is at their boots.
  • Fiction 500: The Deavors head DEVTECH, one of the world's richest telecommunications companies. As a result, Winston and Evelyn are able to provide Elastigirl with cutting-edge technology, own several "spare" houses, and produce the Cool Boat on which the climax takes place.
  • Fictional United Nations: Logos for a "ULN," which stands for "United League of Nations," (the name being a combination of the current organization and its predecessor) can be seen on things such as the ambassador's helicopter.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: While conversing with Helen, Evelyn talks about how consumers will sacrifice quality for ease every time, which is a very similar sentiment to the Screenslaver's Motive Rant. She is revealed to be the real Screenslaver before the scene is over.
  • Flare Gun: Helen uses one as a weapon to shoot Evelyn oxygen-tank backpack causing it to rupture and propelling her out of the plane.
  • Foil: The Deavor siblings are a study in contrast. Winston is idealistic and a people person, perpetually dressed in an impeccable suit and focused on the bottom line. Evelyn is a cynic and fairly withdrawn, wearing casual, comfortable clothes and more interested in inventing than marketability. Both were also deeply affected by their parents' deaths, but while Winston believes that was proof heroes were needed, Evelyn blames their father for relying on them instead of other means.
  • Food as Bribe: When Jack-Jack shifts into another dimension, Bob uses a cookie treat to lure him back into his home dimension. It's an effective enough bribe, but when Bob doesn't continue to feed him cookies, Jack-Jack has a tantrum and shifts into his demon imp form and starts biting Bob's arm. Lucius later creates ice balls for Jack-Jack to gnaw on to keep him quiet.
  • Forced Friendly Fire: When Elastigirl has to fight both Mr. Incredible and Frozone on the ship's bridge, she jumps onto Frozone and directs his stream of ice onto Mr. Incredible.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • The Outer Limits (1963)' Do Not Adjust Your Set line foreshadows the Screenslaver's M.O.
    • During the climax, when the Incredibles and Frozone are freeing the heroes from their hypno-goggles, one screen stays on. This tells us that there's one hero unaccounted for, that being Krushauer, who is freed a few scenes later.
    • There are a few hints in the movie that the masked Screenslaver that Helen fights is a decoy:
      • Screenslaver gives a monologue condemning people's addiction to letting entertainment do things for them rather than taking the effort to experience it themselves, preferring simulation over reality. It turns out that the decoy Screenslaver is literally a simulated villain, being orchestrated by the real Screenslaver giving that speech.
      • After Screenslaver is unmasked and arrested, he yell "What did you do to me?" and it appears he's trying to justify that society is to blame. But rather, it hints that the pizza guy is just a pawn in the real mastermind's plans.
    • There are many hints that point to the Screenslaver's real identity:
      • In many of the scenes in which Winston and Evelyn appear, Evelyn is shown in the background, often slightly out of focus, foreshadowing her later reveal as The Chessmaster working behind the scenes.
      • It seems obvious in hindsight that the Screenslaver turns out to be Evelyn Deavor since her name broadcasts her interest in Evil Endeavors.
      • At one point Evelyn states "I'm the genius behind the genius."
      • Evelyn is often seen with unkempt hair and Exhausted Eye Bags, suggesting they've been busy with other things beyond their normal duties.
      • The video that the Screenslaver uses to hypnotize people is a series of black and white shapes forming an interweaving geometric pattern. Throughout the film, Evelyn's outfits are predominately black, white or grey.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe: Essentially a given for the Supers considering this is a superhero film.
  • For Want of a Nail: If Evelyn had managed to capture the Parr kids, they wouldn't have made it onboard the Everjust to free their parents and foil Evelyn's plan.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: In-Universe. The Screenslaver plans to hypnotize people through many screens.
  • Freudian Excuse: When the villain was young, robbers broke into her father's house and he tried to call two superhero friends for help, but since this was after the Super Relocation Act had passed, there was no response, and the robbers killed him. So now the villain seeks to discredit superheroes forever so people will save themselves instead of looking for supers to do it for them.
  • Funny Background Event: While Bob is on the phone with Helen when she is asking him about the kids, you can see Jack-Jack in a stare-off through the sliding glass door with the raccoon he fought earlier, clearly wanting a rematch.
  • Gagging on Your Words: Bob can barely get the words out when he tries to be supportive of Helen's new job. Helen actually notes how "painful" it is for him.
  • Gas-Cylinder Rocket: Helen shoots the oxygen tanks on Evelyn's back with a Flare Gun, rupturing them, which causes her to be propelled out of the plane.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Subverted. When Chad Brentley, the show host, falls victim to the Screenslaver's hypnosis, Elastigirl's attempt at slapping him out of it has no effect.
  • Getting the Baby to Sleep: Bob struggles to get Jack-Jack to sleep.
  • "Getting Ready for Bed" Plot: The book Mr. Incredible reads to Jack-Jack is about everyone in "Doozledorf" going to bed.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Agent Dicker did succeed in getting Tony to forget Violet's secret identity. Unfortunately he ended up erasing all of Tony's memories of Violet, including their budding relationship.
  • Happy Ending Override: The film starts off where the last one left off, with the family getting into their super-suits for a big comeback against Underminer... only for them to get arrested, supers still being illegal at the time, with the NSA's low-funding essentially cutting them off. Violet's big date with Tony is erased from his mind after he accidentally sees Violet without her mask and she is back to square-one with him, or even less so considering the various bad first impressions she winds up having with him. Ultimately, the film spends its time re-earning these happy endings and the two films happen to end on the same notes as a result, with both films promising the return of supers and a relationship with Violet and Tony.
  • Happily Married: Bob and Helen again. There is still some tension, such as their clearly differing opinion on battling the Underminer. However, they remain as committed and supportive of each other as ever. When the program is shut down and they are planning what they're going to do in the face of impending homelessness, Helen offers to become the breadwinner so Bob can become a House Husband and not have to return to a job he hates, showing her concern for Bob's happiness. Although Bob is very much disappointed that Helen gets to be the new face for superhero legalization, he does try to be supportive and look after their kids. He nearly breaks himself completely to make sure Helen does well and does not hesitate to suit up and rescue her when he finds out she's in danger.
  • Have You Told Anyone Else?: Rick Dicker asks Tony this before he erases Tony's memories of Violet to check if he needs to do likewise to anyone else.
  • Heartbreak and Ice Cream: Violet digs into a tub of ice cream (while invisible) in response to Tony not showing up for her date.
  • Hellish Copter: The ambassador's helicopter crash-lands.
  • Hero Insurance:
    • Discussed with regards to the damage caused by the Underminer. The money he stole from the bank was insured and there are contingencies in place that would have covered the initial damage. Mr. Incredible's failed attempt to capture the Underminer caused more collateral damage than expected.
    • While explaining his PR plan to the Incredibles and Frozone, Winston mentions that they have set up insurance to cover any potential damage and decides to send Elastigirl out as the first representative since she has a history of causing the least amount of collateral damage.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Winston believes the real reason why supers were banned was that the public and the media focused too much on the collateral damage caused by super heroism, instead of their good deeds and the lives saved. His goal is to counter that with good publicity, marketing, and political action.
  • Hired to Hunt Yourself: Elastigirl asks Winston and Evelyn to set up another interview with Chad Brently to create a scenario to track the Screenslaver. This creates an interesting situation because Helen doesn't know that Evelyn actually is the Screenslaver and the person they're hunting is just some hapless pizza delivery guy hypnotized into being the fall guy.
  • History Repeats:
    • The Incredibles begins with Mr. Incredible's heroics inadvertently causing property damage and injuring civilians as the bad guy responsible gets away. This film starts off with Frozone and the Incredibles trying to stop the Underminer's heist and inadvertently causing severe property damage in the process, complete with the bad guy responsible getting away.
    • This film has both Frozone and Elastigirl having to deal with a Runaway Train like Mr. Incredible did in the first movie. It's a painful blow to Mr. Incredible's ego, since they were are able to safely stop the train without major damage or causing harm to the passengers, whereas Mr. Incredible's efforts resulted in injuries and lawsuits that led to the Super Relocation Act.
  • Holding Out for a Hero: During a burglary, Winston and Evelyn's father was shot when he chose to call superheroes for help. Evelyn claims he would have survived if he had hidden in the house's safe room.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: Winston comes across as a well-intentioned proponent of getting the Supers legalized again and is willing to devote the resources of his telecommunications company to that goal. While there were points in the story that implied Winston was secretly the villain, it turns out he actually was completely honest about his beliefs and bravely risks his life to help save the day.
  • Hypno Pendulum: Downplayed. In Screenslaver's lair, there is a machine that resembles a clock which has one of these along with three hypnosis spirals. It does not impact the plot, merely setting the scene.
  • Hypno Trinket: Helen realizes that the Screenslaver's technology would allow them to create screens that aren't obvious screens. Unfortunately, at that exact moment Evelyn slaps a pair of hypno-goggles on her.
  • Hypocrisy Nod: Elastigirl acknowledges that she is being a hypocrite when she is listening in for a crime to thwart when she herself reprimanded Bob for doing the same thing in the past.

    Tropes I to L

  • Immediate Sequel: The movie starts right where the last one left off, with the family battling The Underminer.
  • Impact Silhouette:
    • Violet leaves one in a cloud of smoke after handing off Jack-Jack to Dash in the opening scene.
    • When Jack-Jack turns into a giant baby aboard the Everjust he goes crashing through several walls of the ship, leaving a Jack-Jack-shaped hole in each wall. Bonus points in that he's shrinking in size as he's doing this so each hole is smaller than the previous one until the final hole is baby-sized, temporarily stopping Violet and Dash who had been following him.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • Both the ending of the first movie and the short Jack-Jack Attack show the audience that Jack-Jack has powers, although the Parrs are still unaware of that fact until he demonstrates them in this movie. Oddly, Agent Rick Dicker would have learned that Jack-Jack had powers in Jack-Jack Attack but he didn't seem to share that information with the Parrs.
    • Tony Rydinger's memory being erased is shown to the audience in the first scene and later we see that Bob had reported Tony's knowledge to Agent Dicker. This leaves Violet unaware that a memory wipe was likely and thinks that Tony is just pretending to not know her because he thinks she's a freak. When Bob hears Violet complaining he knows a memory wipe occurred and starts to ease the conversation into how many times Dicker did wipes for them. That's when Violet realizes what happened and Bob realizes that Dicker removed all of Tony's memories of Violet, not just the superhero reveal part.
  • Involuntary Smile of Incapacitation: When Elastigirl confronts Evelyn on a jet plane, Evelyn steers the plane up high enough for Elastigirl to become affected with hypoxia. The delirious Elastigirl grins and starts to spout some non sequiturs.
  • Ironic Echo: Winston tells the heroes that the reason the world doesn't like superheroes is because of "perspective" (people see destruction, they see superheroes, they blame superheroes). Later, Evelyn points out that her brother has a "childish perspective" — "Superheroes go away, mommy and daddy go away."
  • Irony: Elastigirl is among the hypnotized supers who gives a televised speech to the world about how supers have become bitter whilst in hiding. It contrasts sharply with the Helen we've come to know from the first movie, the one who didn't become embittered, but instead made the most of her normal life (by raising a family).
  • It Has Been an Honor: After Dicker announces that the Super-Relocation Program was defunded, he tells Bob and Helen that he felt honored to work with them.
  • I Was Quite a Fashion Victim: Apparently Elastigirl had a mohawk.

    Helen: There's a lot of things you don't know about me.
    Bob: Yeah, but... a mohawk?
    Helen: Eh, you didn't miss much.

  • Jerkass Ball: When a stressed, sleep-deprived Bob finds out that the Incredibile is not only still intact (having thought it was destroyed) but was bought by a smug rich guy as a collector's item, he takes out the old remote control to it and uses it to control the car remotely, frightening everyone on the scene. He subsequently realizes that he shouldn't be trying to steal his car back.
  • Jump Scare: Violet appearing behind the fridge door gives Bob a good scare.
  • Just in Time: All three runaway vehicles (Underminer's Drill Tank, the hovertrain and the Everjust) are stopped by the heroes in the nick of time before they crash.
  • Karma Houdini:
    • The Underminer manages to steal an entire bank's worth of money and successfully escapes, and is never seen again in the film.
    • Violet believes that this will apply to the Big Bad, who, being rich and well connected, will probably get off with a light punishment for everything they did.
  • Kinda Busy Here: Elastigirl gets a call from Dash while being in hot pursuit of the Runaway Train.
  • Kiss of Distraction: Mr. Incredible is forced into a fight with a hypnotized Elastigirl. He attempts to get her to snap out of it, and it seems to work as she stops attacking and suddenly kisses him. Unfortunately, Elastigirl uses the distraction to slap the mind control goggles on Mr. Incredible's face, making him hypnotized as well.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Played with. At Bob's request, Agent Dicker steps in to erase Tony's memories of having seen Violet remove her mask. It turns out the memory-wipe is "not an exact science" and this causes a huge conflict between Violet and her dad when she realizes that Tony doesn't remember her at all.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: The first trailer for the movie features a gag of Jack-Jack using his newly discovered superpowers, then cutting to a scene of Bob absolutely delighted over the fact that he has them. In the first Incredibles, the audience was made to believe Jack-Jack had no powers until near the end.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When Tony Rydinger tells Dicker how much Violet had "changed," the scene cuts to the recreation of the last scene of her and Tony from The Incredibles with the new higher definition rendering of the characters. This results in showing very clearly that Violet really has changed.
  • Lighter and Softer:
    • Incredibles 2 is much lighter in tone than its predecessor with a greater emphasis on action and comedy in general. There's no gratuitous mook deaths, less overall destruction and the film is generally less intense overall.
    • Thematically, the movie is this as well. The first film dealt with several darker character issues. Bob is listlessly shuffling through his post hero life in a job as an insurance agent, Helen is frustrated with Bob trying to relive the glory days of being a hero, the kids are trying to come to terms with their superpowers in a world where acting as a superhero in public is illegal, and there is a subplot where Helen thinks Bob is having an affair. The sequel focuses more on the action, and the character subplots are more limited to Bob trying to raise the kids without Helen, Violet having boy problems, and Dash struggling with his math homework, all while Helen is out doing superhero work.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • Screenslaver's hypnosis requires the victim to be looking at the screen in order to maintain control, thus not looking directly at the screens or closing your eyes makes you immune. The Screenslaver learns to bypass this weakness with goggles which contain miniature screens that are put directly over a person's eyes. It helps if they are caught off-guard and even partially removing them breaks the trance.
    • Helen can't use her stretching powers in extremely cold environments since she becomes brittle and risks breaking, something that the villain exploits.
    • Violet's forcefield can protect her from external attacks but Krushauer's ability to crush things allows him to crush her forcefield, shrinking it so that it starts crushing her. Also, since Violet usually leaves the area she's standing on unprotected, this gives Voyd the opportunity to create portals within the forcefield on that open patch of ground.
  • Logo Joke: Both the Disney and PIXAR logos at the beginning are animated in the style of the "pointy" end credit art style, with a red background.
  • Low Clearance: Elastigirl has to use all her skills to duck the first train tunnel while on her Elasticycle. The second tunnel is so low that she has to discard her motorbike altogether.

    Tropes M to P

  • Male Gaze: There are more than a few rear shots lingering on Elastigirl's... rear.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Screenslaver, a new supervillain for the film, has a full mask that covers their entire head with no exposed skin. This is unusual, as no other character hero or villain thus far has a mask covering their entire face.
  • Masculine Lines, Feminine Curves:
    • Again, Bob's Lantern Jaw of Justice and square Heroic Build contrast with Helen's rounder features and Hartman Hips.
    • The Deavors — Winston has a prominent sharp nose and an angular face, while Evelyn has softer features overall.
    • Violet inherits her mother's round face and has wide eyes and a button nose, while her Satellite Love Interest Tony was retooled to have sharper features.
  • Mass Hypnosis: Screenslaver's plan involves hypnotizing various people with the help of flashing patterns displayed on television screens.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": While the Parrs praise each other in the Underminer's tank, the police arrive, shining lights down upon them as well as guns.
  • Meaningful Name: Evelyn Deavor. As in, "evil endeavor". "Evelyn" even sounds like "a villain".
  • Men Can't Keep House: A downplayed version. Initially, Bob struggles in his role as a House Husband. But once he buckles down and learns New Math to help Dash, he gets a handle on keeping up the household. All that changes once Jack-Jack demonstrates he has powers; then it's all Bob can do to keep up, which leaves him in a state of exhaustion and the chores piling up. He eventually gets that under control too, though with the help of Edna as well as 17 hours of much-needed sleep.
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Everyone under the Screenslaver's hypnosis has a vacant stare on their face.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Evelyn wants to keep supers illegal because she blames the death of her parents on her father's insistence to call for a hero on a private line during a burglary rather than fleeing to a safe room. The big problem is that the burglary occurred after the Super Relocation Act had passed and all superheroes were forced underground. It's not really the supers' fault that her father decided to call for heroes that would be unable to answer. Furthermore, it's likely the same thing would've happened if he'd insisted on calling mundane law enforcement like the police, who couldn't be there immediately to save him.
  • Mobstacle Course: Played with. When pursuing the Screenslaver across corridors, Elastigirl uses her Building Swing skills to get past the crowd in her way.
  • Mood Whiplash: As in the first movie, the scenes switch from the extraordinary to the mundane and back again.
  • Motive Decay: At the end of the first film, The Underminer bombastically rants about declaring "war on peace and happiness" so that "all will tremble before me". In this film, it turns out all he actually wanted was to rob a bank.
  • Movie Superheroes Wear Black: Parodied and lampshaded. The new Elastigirl suit is black and grey, contrasting the original's white and red. Helen is bothered by how edgy and gloomy it looks, while Edna is outright appalled by it.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Both Bob and Dicker show genuine regret of having Tony mind-wiped of Violet.
  • Mythology Gag: The ending has the Parr family car transforming into an Incredible-themed mobile, similar to the Parr's family van in "Family Matters: Issue #2."
  • Never Trust a Trailer:
    • "The elephant in the room" isn't Mom's new job. The scene, in fact, occurs well before the job offer. It's actually the fact that the attempt to stop the Underminer at the beginning went horribly wrong.
    • The trailers and the television spots for the movie made it seem like the main focus will be on Bob learning to adjust to being a House Husband. It's actually the B-Plot of the movie, with the main story actually being Helen's search to take down Screenslaver.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Bob informs Rick Dicker about Tony Rydinger after Violet expresses her anxiety over having accidentally revealed her alter ego to him, asking him to erase Tony's memories of the incident. Rick does so, which leaves Tony forgetting about Violet entirely and thus unknowingly blowing off their date. Violet spirals into depression as a result, and lashes out at her father when she realizes what he did.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain:
    • Syndrome's Evil Plan from the first film is what sparks the turn in public opinion that results in a campaign to let the Supers return, more or less the opposite of what he wanted to happen.
    • Evelyn not only fails to discredit supers but her attacks as Screenslaver ultimately cause the world to decide to reinstate their status.
  • Non-Indicative Name: As Violet points out, the waiter at the Happy Platter restaurant who shows the Parr family their table does not seem very happy, and is instead clearly bored. That is until Tony, who works there, shows up and he is friendly.
  • No-Sell: Violet's effort to symbolically destroy her supersuit by grinding it up in the garbage disposal and tearing it with her teeth results in not a thread being out of place. This does not help her mood.
  • Nostril Shot: Edna on the intercom.
  • Not Helping Your Case: The fight with the Underminer ends with the villain escaping and his machine causing additional damage throughout the city. While the Incredibles successfully stop it from destroying city hall, politicians use the bad publicity to justify the illegal status of supers and cancel the Super Relocation Act.

    Rick Dicker: If you want to get out of the hole, first you have to put down the shovel.

  • Not What It Looks Like: Violet has a panicked look at the start of the film when Tony sees her in her supersuit and tries to explain it away. She does it again later, without knowing that his memory is gone.
  • Obligatory Earpiece Touch: Happens with Winston when he talks to his sister via earpiece on the boat, asking her for the missing heroes.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • The raccoon when Jack-Jack really starts cutting loose with his super-powers.
    • Elastigirl has a brief look of alarm when Screenslaver activates hypnotising screens in the apartment and attacks her.
    • Dash and Violet stop dead when they see the mind-controlled supers literally at their doorstep.
    • Violet has one when Voyd comes across her on the Everjust. She has another one later when she sees Screech approaching.
    • Krushauer has enough time to mouth this when Jack-Jack starts expanding in the air duct, before crushing him, Screech and Voyd.
    • A crew member on the Everjust's bridge wastes no time in the "MAYDAY!"s when mind-controlled Supers take control of the bridge.
    • Evelyn knows she's in trouble when Jack-Jack uses his telekinesis to remove Helen's mind control goggles, freeing her.
  • Ominous Multiple Screens: The Screenslaver uses a setup like this to track the various hypnotized supers through their goggles.
  • Orgy of Evidence: Screenslaver's apartment is decked out with everything you would expect a hypnosis-obsessed villain to have, plus a documentation on his targets. Unfortunately, Elastigirl only gets a cursory look at the evidence before Screenslaver blows it all up, preventing any deeper investigation.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: Jack-Jack realizes something is wrong with his mother when he flies towards her but she doesn't respond with any warmth or affection like she normally would. As a result, he uses his telekinesis to remove her hypnogoggles, freeing Helen from their control.
  • Out of Focus: Dash is noticeably the only member of the Parr family to lack a character arc of his own, other than needing help with his math homework. Additionally, he doesn't get to display his power as prominently as in the previous film, as the action scenes take place in confined locations that severely limit his abilities as a speedster.
  • Parents as People: Bob's arc in the movie involves him trying to be a more capable caretaker for his kids while Helen takes on the role of breadwinner. He seems to feel mildly put-out and emasculated when his wife is chosen over him to help bring supers back into the public due to his Destructive Saviour tendencies (especially since her train rescue turned out way better than when Bob tried in 15 years prior), and the stress of his actions trying and failing to handle the situation by himself (trying to help Violet get back with Tony after accidentally ruining it, helping Dash with his homework and dealing with the unpredictable Jack-Jack) causes him to break down. It is not until he finally allows others to help him (Violet and Dash calling in Lucius, who then has Edna look after Jack-Jack) that he is able to catch up on sleep and finally re-balance his life. He even has a heartfelt confession to Violet about how he is trying to help before he falls asleep. Violet accepts his apology as she loves her father dearly and decides that she and Dash should let him sleep.... for 17 hours.
  • Power Limiter: Edna upgrades Jack-Jack's suit with sensors that allow his family to track him or rein in his powers via remote control, such as triggering fire-extinguisher foam when he spontaneously ignites.
  • The Power of Love: Exploited. Helen, while hypnotized, fakes the "able to free their loved one from mind control" aspect of the trope to trick Bob into lowering his defences and slip hypno-goggles on him.
  • Production Foreshadowing: The blanket in Jack-Jack's crib has an image of Duke Caboom.
  • Propaganda Machine: Winston explains that people see what politicians tell them to see. In the case of the Underminer chase, the public was given pictures of the destruction and the heroes being arrested. In order to fight Manipulative Editing, he proposes having mini-cameras put into the heroes costumes so they can document their side of the story.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "You... have... powers!"
  • Punny Name:
    • Winston and Evelyn Deavor, whose first names both end in "N" which elides into "Deavor" making it sound similar to the word "endeavor". Evelyn Deavor also happens to sound like "evil endeavor."
    • One of the new supers who can become the size and strength of a brick wall is named Concretia Mason, a.k.a. Brick.
    • Mr. Incredible's car is named aloud for the first time note though it was also mentioned by name in the NSA files bonus content on the DVD of The Incredibles : the Incredibile, a clever portmanteau of "Incredible" and "automobile".

    Tropes Q to T

  • Rage Breaking Point: Mr. Incredible has this when Dash and Violet demand answers of why he hadn't told Elastigirl about Jack-Jack's powers.

    Mr. Incredible: Because I'm formulating! Okay?! I'm taking in information, I'm processing, I'm doing the math, I'm fixing the boyfriend, and keeping the baby from turning into a flaming monster! How do I do it? [Dash and Violet give him wide-eyed looks] By rolling with the punches, baby! I eat thunder and crap lightning, okay? Because I'm Mr. Incredible! Not "Mr. So-So" or "Mr. Mediocre Guy"! Mr. Incredible!

  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    • Screenslaver lays out their contempt for a society that relies on the ease of watching things instead of doing them.
    • Near the end, when Elastigirl confronts Evelyn, she makes fun of Elastigirl for her core beliefs; Elastigirl quietly retorts that at least she has core beliefs.
  • Red Herring: The appearance of the Screenslaver along with the train incident helps boost the public opinion of supers. However the advantageous timing of these two events makes it appear that Winston Deavor may be setting up Engineered Heroics to support his superhero fanboyism. It turns out his motives are sincere and it's actually his sister who is Screenslaver.
  • Red Sock Ruins the Laundry: When a very tired Bob drops off Jack-Jack at Edna's house and begins to lament about the many blunders he made while trying to be a House Husband, mixing red and white clothes in the laundry is one of the things he mentions.
  • Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: The opening ceremony for the hovertrain.
  • Ruder and Cruder: The sequel uses some mild profanity — mostly "damn," "hell," and "crap," — where the first film had none. At the time of its release, Incredibles 2 was the only Pixar film to contain profanity stronger than "hell".
  • Rule of Three: It takes Voyd three attempts to portal get Elastigirl onto the jet.
  • Runaway Train: The newly opened hovertrain, after its conductor gets controlled by the Screenslaver. Elastigirl manages to stop it Just in Time.
  • Running Gag: Violet and Dash keep leaving Jack-Jack with each other to look after while the other charges into action.
  • Save the Villain: Helen saves Evelyn from plummeting to their death despite her actively refusing and resisting to be saved. Justified, as not only is she a super-heroine, but keeping Evelyn alive will help prove the Supers' innocence and it's implied she also did it out of respect for Winston.
  • Scenery Porn: New Urbem is an absolutely gorgeous city, and we're treated with some pretty spectacular shots of it throughout the film. The greenery around the Parrs' new house is also lovely to look at.
  • Schizo Tech: As in the first installment. 1960s era car types, fashions, and land-line phones exist alongside cordless phones, wireless microphones, miniaturized closed-circuit cameras, big-screen color monitors, high-speed hovertrains, voice-command and eye-scan security systems, and technology induced hypnosis.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Violet points out that Evelyn could play this card once she goes to trial for their actions since she realizes Evelyn is a high-ranking and well-paid employee of a major corporation.
  • Second Person Attack: When Dash punches out Screech on the ship's deck, the camera shows the moment from Screech's POV as he gets the fist into his face.
  • See the Invisible: Invisible Violet accidentally leaves behind soiled footprints in the carpet which makes it easy for Voyd to follow her. During their fight, Voyd sprays foam from a fire extinguisher to make Violet visible.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: When Helen encounters the Screenslaver in their lair and gives pursuit, they activate one which destroys the lair with all the evidence inside.
  • Sensory Abuse: Screenslaver uses this to such a degree that there had to be official seizure warnings. Even people who weren't epileptic found themselves covering their eyes.
  • Shoot Out the Lock: Helen uses a grabbed gun to shoot open the lock on the door of the driver's compartment on the Ambassador's helicopter.
  • Short-Lived Aerial Escape: Evelyn has the supers set the Everjust on a collision course with the city and then tries to exit stage left with her jet. The escape attempt is foiled by Elastigirl who gets onto the jet and brings the villain down.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: When the Screenslaver moves to escape the Everjust on a plane, they try to take Winston along. However, he jumps out of the plane at the first opportunity and goes back to save the heroes and ambassadors still onboard.

    Evelyn: It's for your own good!
    Winston: No! This is! [jumps off the jet]

  • Sibling Yin-Yang: During one of her conversations with Evelyn, Elastigirl describes Winston and Evelyn's relationship as this. Their respective talents are opposite yet complementary; she invents the products with her tech genius and he markets them with his social savvy.
  • Slapstick Knows No Gender:
    • The scene with Helen first trying out her new Elasti-cycle. Because it's an electric drive, it's "torquey", able to accelerate surprisingly quickly. Elastigirl smacks into many things before eventually getting a feel for the bike.
    • Violet shoots the water she's drinking out of her nose when it turns out her amnesiac crush Tony is the waiter for her table.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Bob is unable to sleep for several nights while trying to watch the kids, due to Dash's difficult math homework, Violet's relationship trouble, and Jack-Jack's newfound powers. He spends a chunk of the film completely exhausted and not thinking clearly. When circumstances finally allow him some much-needed rest, Violet reports that he slept for 17 hours.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: As with the first film, Edna Mode has limited screen-time, but makes the most of what she had. She proves vital to understanding and controlling Jack-Jack's powers, which in turn is a major asset in the climax.
  • Snowy Screen of Death: Screenslaver has Ominous Multiple Screens for each of the supers wearing hypno-goggles. Whenever the goggles are destroyed, the associated screen goes dark.
  • So Much for Stealth: Violet's attempt to go unnoticed while invisible on the Everjust is foiled when she makes noise knocking over a potted plant and leaves behind soiled footprints in the carpet, prompting her to retreat.
  • So Proud of You:
    • Helen is on the phone with Bob and squeals about her successful stopping of a run-away train. He then sees her image on literally every channel which leaves him feeling inferior especially that there were "no casualties". Although he's gritting his teeth, he does offer a genuine if forced "proud of you" complement to Helen.
    • Helen tells Bob she's proud of him and that she realizes how much Bob wants to be out doing superhero work as well. She acknowledges that, for now, she couldn't be doing this if he hadn't taken over so well.
    • When the kids save their parents from Evelyn's hypnosis, Violet asks her mother not to be mad that they used their powers and entered into a dangerous situation, but she just hugs them and says she's proud.
  • Spanner in the Works: Evelyn succeeds in pulling off the first part of their plan. However, she did not expect Dash, Violet, and especially Jack-Jack to start unraveling everything. Jack-Jack ends up saving the day by using his telekinesis powers to free his mother from the mind control glasses, who then frees everyone else.
  • Spotting the Thread: Elastigirl noticed that, despite the fight the Screenslaver put her through, it was just too easy. She remarks that his locks were too conventional, that the odds of a surly pizza delivery boy being able to mastermind everything himself were too steep, and that one of the screens in Screenslaver's lair was tuning in to the signal on her costume-cam.
  • Spraying Drink from Nose: Violet sprays water from her nose when she realizes that not only did her father bring her to a restaurant owned by the family of her crush Tony, but Tony is working there as a waiter. Their waiter, to be precise.
  • Starstruck Speechless:
    • When Voyd meets Elastigirl, she starts stammering out of excitement over meeting her heroine.
    • A limousine driver who is a big fan of Frozone finally meets his hero but he is so nervous that he mixes up his line.

      Limousine driver: Hey, listen, you're my biggest fan.
      Frozone: Good to see you.
      Cab driver: [stammering] I'm your biggest fan. Shoot!

  • Start X to Stop X: Helen discusses the dilemma of accepting the Deavors' job offer with Bob.

    Helen: To help my family, I have to leave it; to fix the law, I have to break it!

  • Stealth Pun:
    • Edna's Jack-Jack tracker with its touch-sensitive screen gives new meaning to the term "baby monitor".
    • Evelyn Deavor's name sounds like "evil endeavor", foreshadowing the reveal of her as the Big Bad. Her first and last names are not mentioned together until after the reveal.
  • Stock Sound Effects: Jack-Jack's babbling is mostly reused from the first film, which explains why Eli Fucile is once again credited for voicing the character, even though he should be at least 14 years old.
  • Stock "Yuck!": Dash is visually displeased when Helen shoves broccoli on his plate. He is also disappointed later when Bob switches out his favorite cereal Sugar Bombs for healthier and blander Fiber-o's. He still eats both without more than an annoyed groan.
  • Stood Up: Violet is devastated when Tony didn't show up for their date.
  • Stop Hitting Yourself: Voyd uses portals to deflect Elastigirl's punches and kicks so that she strikes herself.
  • Suddenly Shouting:
    • Winston loses his demeanor momentarily and shouts at his sister when the latter argues that their father should have gone straight to the safe room instead of calling the superheroes.
    • Helen is calmly talking to Bob on the phone for a few minutes, before she screams out the news that she had saved a runaway train.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: While Jack-Jack's persistence can be excused, the raccoon choosing to stay and fight an enemy that can multiply, shoot laser beams, and catch on fire shows a lot of dedication for a scavenger. The raccoon returns to have a stare-off against Jack-Jack through the sliding glass door while Bob and Helen are on the phone, clearly wanting a rematch.
  • Super Registration Act: Despite having recently saved the city from Syndrome and the Omnidroid, being a public hero is still outlawed. A super rich tycoon seems to want to bring heroes back into the light and show they are still good people who want to help others, but he does so at his own risk. He and the Parrs are successful, and the law is repealed in the end.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: See the Pixar page.
  • Swapped Roles: In the first film, Bob was the one moonlighting as a superhero while Helen took care of the kids unawares. In this film, Helen is fighting crime while Bob is the stay-at-home dad. This is even lampshaded by Helen at one point.
  • Switching P.O.V.: Between the end of The Incredibles and the introductory scene. Via flashback, the rise of the Underminer is seen not from the Parr family's viewpoint, but from Innocent Bystander Tony Rydinger's. It's a lot more unsettling to have a supervillain bursting through the ground with his giant drill vehicle, and having cars crashing down around when you don't have superpowers.
  • Take That!:
    • While trying to help Dash with his homework, Bob's brief tirade about New Math sounds like it could just as well be about the Common Core Math Standards adopted by U.S. public schools in the early 21st century.


    • Elastigirl doesn't like her new suit, saying it's too "dark and angsty" for her, which can be taken as a shot at gratuitously Darker and Edgier superhero redesigns.
    • After Evelyn is taken into custody, Violet gets a little too real and points out that she's rich, and will probably get off with a slap on the wrist.
    • There's a brief line on the radio about people having more trust in the decision-making of a monkey throwing darts than in Congress.
    • Dicker at one point admits that politicians have difficulty accepting the idea of people doing good without seeking something in return.
  • Take That, Audience!: When the Screenslaver gives a chilling monologue to the people about how they are so content to only watch things from the comfort of their TVs. It also applies to the people of our times addicted to their phones and tablets, and the people sitting in the comfort of their theater watching Elastigirl find the Screenslaver.
  • Take This Job and Shove It: When Violet finds out that Bob and Dicker accidentally erased all traces of her in Tony's memory, she renounces the NSA and superheroes in general, trying and failing to destroy her super-suit. She later renounces her renunciation when she finds out that their parents are in trouble and need them.
  • Talking in Bed: Bob and Helen are getting ready for bed while Bob tries to convince Helen to take the job and make superheroes legal again.
  • Teetering on the Edge: Elastigirl, driving on her new Elasticycle, manages to stop a Runaway Train Just in Time before it could fall off the uncompleted tracks. A subsequent car crashes into the first one, almost pushing it over the edge.
  • Tempting Fate: After seeing Helen's new costume, Bob teasingly notes Helen will have to explain to Edna why she's using a costume by another designer. Bob ends up taking the brunt of Edna's anger since Helen doesn't meet with her in this film.
  • Thememobile: Elastigirl gets a new Elasticycle designed by Evelyn and Bob gets his Incredibile back.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: In-universe example with Bob's rant about Dash's New Math homework, which is based on a real thing, but also echoes the sentiment of many U.S. parents with the Common Core curriculum (see the Take That example above). "You can't change math!"
  • Thicker Than Water: Played With. The Big Bad plays it straight when they take the time to rescue Winston from the Everjust before it crashes. Winston, however, turns on Evelyn when she reveals herself as the Screenslaver and leaps from the escape plane to try and free everyone on the boat from her hypnosis. Notwithstanding, he does expresses his gratitude to Helen for saving her life.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Bob is first ecstatic upon discovering Jack-Jack has a plethora of powers... and it dawns on him that parenting just became a lot harder.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: Downplayed. Elastigirl is no murderer, and she doesn't set out to kill anybody in battle, but if it's necessary to save lives or protect her family she will not pull punches. However, Elastigirl is able to save Evelyn from a fatal fall.
  • Toilet Humor: One of Jack-Jack's first actions when alone with his father is to visibly soil himself (a lump appears in his diaper), and when sneaking aboard the Everjust, the kids stop at one point so Violet can change Jack-Jack's diaper.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Winston and Evelyn's father had two superhero hotlines installed into his home, but didn't think to make them accessible from within his panic room. So, when thieves break into his house, he tries to go for the phones sitting in the open which allows the thieves to shoot and kill him.
  • Traveling-Pipe Bulge: When Mr. Incredible is sucked in by the Underminer's vacuum, we see him as a bulge traveling along the tube.
  • Twerp Sweating: The film ends with the entire family doing this to Tony, with Bob doing the traditional father-cheerfully-intimidating-date routine.
  • Two Lines, No Waiting: The middle act flips between Helen at her new job with DEVTECH and Bob being a House Husband at home before these storylines converge in the final act.

    Tropes U to Z

  • Ungrateful Bastard: Winston sees the public as mistaken in their treatment of the Supers since they began focusing on the damage they do instead of the good they achieve. His goal is to make it legal again for them to help others.
  • Unwanted Rescue:
    • Helen saves Evelyn from plummeting to her death despite her actively resisting the save.
    • The Big Bad activates an escape jet and tries to take Winston away from the ship that is set to crash, but he leaps from the plane back to the ship instead.
  • Verbal Backpedaling: Bob when encouraging his wife to take on Winston's assignment.

    Bob: Of course you can leave. You've got to. So that I... we can be Supers again.

  • Villain Has a Point:
    • Evelyn is possibly correct in that her father could have survived if he had just gone into the house's safe room instead of trying to call some heroes to help. His over-reliance on heroes was his undoing. A weakness in her argument is putting the blame entirely on the Supers, when the same thing would've happened if he'd called the police.
    • Screenslaver had a legitimate point in saying that society is becoming dependent on screens and uses visual media to supersede reality. That is, after all, why Screenslaver can control anyone they want at will.
  • Villainous Face Hold: As Evelyn reassures Elastigirl her Evil Plan means supers will never become legal again, she holds her victim's chin as she's being incapacitated by hypoxia.
  • The Voice: Honey remains an off-screen voice, just like in the previous film. note The writers considered having her appear on-screen but ultimately decided she was funnier as just a voice.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Reflux has the power to vomit lava.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: When the family battles the Underminer, he escapes and is never seen again (until a very small animation of him burrows his way out of the bottom of the movie screen at the very end of the credits).
  • What You Are in the Dark:
    • When he realizes what his sister has done, Winston refuses to go along with her plan. He ditches her escape plane and gets back on the boat to free everyone from her hypnosis, and create a plan to protect the ambassadors.
    • Elastigirl has every opportunity to let Evelyn fall to her death. Instead, to demonstrate that her moral compass trumps Evelyn's lack thereof, Elastigirl saves her.
  • Women Are Wiser:
    • Elastigirl has the idea of breaking the boiler to stop the Underminer's drill machine.
    • When it turns out they can't access the steering controls or the engine room, Violet comes up with the plan of turning the boat by physically manipulating its rudders and hydrofoils.
    • Mrs. Deavor begs her husband to retreat to their safe room instead of trying to call the supers which results in his death.
    • The final commercial before the live broadcast from the Everjust is a spoof of the infamous "So easy a man can do it" ad.
  • The Worf Effect: Brick's Super Strength is given ample demonstration when she fights Mr. Incredible and is shown knocking him across the room and slamming him into the bulkhead so hard that it dents.
  • X-Ray Sparks: During their battle, Violet traps He-Lectrix in one of her forcefield bubbles which makes him electrocute himself and we see this effect.

"I've got to succeed! So she can succeed! So we... can succeed!"

Disney Pixar Incredibles 2 R C Incredibile

Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/Incredibles2

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